AI tech used in trade mark search, FICPI blog, 2020.2
The importance of the element of bad faith in international trade mark law and its relevance under the new Chinese trade mark law provisions, Oxford University Press, 2017
Myth of Evidence in TM cases in China, World Trademark Review, 2016
Trademark Registration and Prosecution Strategies in China, World Trademark Review, 2015
When Trademark Battle seems Over, World Trademark Review, 2014
China Chapter, International Pharmaceutical Law and Practice, 2014
Pharmaceutical Trademarks, World Trademark Review, 2013
Copyright Dispute between Apple and Chinese Authors, E-commerce Law Report, 2013
Trademark Registration and Prosecution Strategies in China, World Trademark Review, 2013
Protection of unregistered trademarks and other commercial signs2012, World Trademark Review, 2012
Making the right choice, World Trademark Review, 2012
Making the most of available protection, World Trademark Review, 2012
Preparing for change, World Trademark Review, 2012
Laws in place, more to come, World Trademark Review, 2012
Anti- counterfeiting, Anti- counterfeiting Guide 2012, 2012